Links to other Poster websites

ADVIZ is an abbreviation off: advertising + graphic design = visual communication.
ADVIZ is a new platform for the graphic designer, advertising agencies and every body who is interested in visual communication.

The archive of Dutch advertising; an independant organisation founded in 2001 after a merger between the Dutch Advertising Archive (1981) and the Dutch Advertising Museum (1975).
Rene Wanner's Poster Page
Everything (well nearly) about the latest exhibitions, books and designers

Swiss Poster Collection
Swiss Poster Collection of the Carnegie Mellon University

A Collection of Polish Posters
Posters from 21 of the greatest Polish designers and posters from before WW II

van Sabben Auctions
The founder of this auction house in Hoorn is one of the founders of the Dutch Poster Museum

Pekka Loiri
Pekka Loiri is a Finish designer

World war II posters
A collection of the Dutch Institute War Documentation (NIOD Instituut voor Oorlogs-, Holocaust- en Genocidestudies, the Koninklijke Bibliotheek)

Anti alcohol posters
Russian anti-alcohol posters

Eye Dutch movies museum
EYE's collection comprises around 60,000 posters from various countries and periods, with an emphasis on Dutch film posters. EYE's holdings also include foreign posters made for Dutch films. Especially unique are the post-WWII designs from Poland, the Czech Republic and Cuba, where the design of film posters was a booming business, particularly between 1945 and 1965.

Icograda IDA
International Council of Graphic Desing Associations

International Poster Gallery
An interesting website with poster history